
Archive for August, 2010


*HEALTH  (17 ) :

The  Truth  About  Supplement

How many people take vitamin and supplement each year?
Which Supplements  is more popular?
Are doctors using a supplement?

Here is the data cited in webMD site:

1. The number of Americans who take supplements every year around 150 million people

2. The percentages of supplement sales in the last 10 years increased approximately 100%

3. Doctors in the United States who recommends supplements to his patients by 79%

4. Doctor giving instruction how to consume a supplement to the patient as much as 25%

5. The number of physicians who use supplements 72%

6. Five big sales year in 2007 supplement, Multivitamin, Calcium, Vitamin C, Fish Oil, Vitamin E.

7. The number of Americans who realize that vitamins and supplements are safe to eat as much as 84%

8.Percentage of Americans who do not realize that there are supplements that have not approved the drug and food regulatory agency of the United States (FDA) by 52%.

9. The number of Americans who prefer to heal themselves of their illness than to see a doctor for 73%.


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